Economics – A Level

We all contribute to the performance of the economy via spending and saving decisions; therefore we should build up an understanding of the economy and its impact on firms and citizens.  This vital and stimulating course embraces a wide range of academic skills.  In the first year of the course you will investigate macro and microeconomics.

Microeconomics addresses issues such as:

  • Why are fuel prices rising?
  • How are prices set in the economy?
  • Should governments interfere with markets?

The Macroeconomic issues covered include:

  • How can the government guide the economy to grow more?
  • What happens to the economy if we all decide to spend more?
  • How are we affected by the problems in Europe and the rest of the world?

In the second year of the course, you will develop further your knowledge of micro and macroeconomics, considering economic concepts and theories in greater depth and recognising the values and limitations of the economic models.

You will also explore the global context, which includes the impact of globalisation on UK economic performance.  Alongside this, you will look at whether income and wealth is spread evenly throughout our economy.  Why is it that people are still living in poverty?