You will follow the GCSE course from the AQA exam board, which is the most common exam board for students across the country. If you have studied the subject through another exam board, it is important to know that you are assessed on the same skills; it’s just a different format. You will study a range of written texts and carry out a variety of assignments assessing your skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
There are two exams. Paper 1 is called ‘explorations in creative reading and writing’ and is all about fiction. You will explore how story writers use language and how they develop their ideas through both the structure and the whole text itself. Paper 2 is called ‘writer’s viewpoints and perspectives’ and is all about non-fiction. You will examine two texts and, besides exploring the language, compare them in terms of the main points they raise and how the writers communicate their points of view. Both exams have a writing component which is to write creatively (Paper 1) and in response to a real-life issue (Paper 2).
If you are studying A-levels, you will be required to achieve a Grade 4 or higher, but you may also choose to boost your grade if this is required for the next step in your career