Student Support

We treat everyone as an individual and are committed to helping all students to achieve their full potential. If you have any questions then please contact Sam Prosser, Skills Manager or Sophie Crawford, Endeavour Deputy Faculty Manager on 01287 280800 or email

You can request a one to one interview and assessment of your learning needs and learning support. If you have a learning difficulty and/or disability, we would welcome the opportunity to meet you. This would give you the chance to discuss the type of help you need to make sure you get the most out of your learning whilst you are at the college.

Most parts of the college are accessible to students with mobility difficulties. There are designated parking spaces, automatic doors, ramps, lifts and accessible toilets. Other facilities include reception points with hearing loops, hot and cold drinks, vending machines and water fountains.

Information can be produced in other formats on request, including Braille and large print.