If your symptoms are too intense or last for too long, it could be a sign that you might need additional support. Talking about it can be really helpful and is often the first step to feeling better. Speak to a trusted friend or family member, or contact our Therapy Service on therapyservice@tvc.ac.uk to talk to one of our therapeutic counsellors. They can offer one-off drop-in appointments or weekly counselling sessions.
Alternatively, you could try:
Doing something you enjoy:
- Whether exercise, sports, art, music, reading, writing, film, TV, theatre, dance – anything! These things can help you to feel good again, even just doing a little bit
Keeping a journal:
- Regularly write or record how you’re feeling and what’s been happening in your life. You could do it every day, or whenever you feel you want to. It can help you to:
- let your feelings out
- see what you’ve written and think about things differently
- learn more about what makes you feel low and what helps
- think about new ways to cope or different things you could try
- Regularly write or record how you’re feeling and what’s been happening in your life. You could do it every day, or whenever you feel you want to. It can help you to:
Being active:
- Regular exercise is proven to help boost mood. Even a short walk or stretching can help build up your enthusiasm and stamina, particularly if you’re feeling low, and lacking energy and enthusiasm
Mindfulness and meditation:
- Apps such as Calm, Headspace and How We Feel can help
Set yourself achievable goals:
- Setting small, achievable goals each day, like taking a shower, going for a walk, or even getting dressed, can help boost your mood and self-esteem. It’s okay if some days you don’t achieve your goals; self-compassion is really important too
Listening to music:
- Create a playlist of your favourite songs to listen to. Start with the slower, more chilled songs, working up to the higher tempo and more energetic songs. This can help your mood and energy gradually increase too
Challenge unhelpful thoughts:
- Reframing the way we think can help to make us feel more positive – watch this video for further help and advice:
Improving your sleep:
- It can be a vicious cycle when we feel low and then tired, and/or tired and then low. Getting better sleep can help to improve mood – watch this video for tips on how to achieve better sleep:
Eating a more balanced diet:
- Consuming lots of foods high in fat and sugar can make us feel sluggish and low. Eating healthier can make us feel more energised and improve our mood. Try starting with one extra piece of fruit or vegetable and then working more into your diet
Additional Resources: