
We welcome the involvement of parents throughout the time a student is with us. Our college is a partnership which certainly includes parents and we hope you will take every opportunity to support us in all that we do here.

If your son or daughter chooses to come to Prior Pursglove you can be sure they will receive first class teaching in a safe environment whilst also benefitting from the experience of studying on a friendly campus.

They will become a part of a very long tradition as there has been education provided on our site since 1561. The college transformed itself from a Grammar school into a sixth form college in 1971 and since then we have continued to change with the times and the education we provide and our facilities are some of the best in the area.

Our prime concern is always the well being of our students and the provision of a caring environment which enables them to achieve their best. We expect students to accept responsibility for their own learning and progress. However, this will be done in the context of support and encouragement to enable each student to reach their full potential.

We actively encourage parents to be involved in their son or daughters study’s whilst they are with us. Once your son or daughter has enrolled you can expect to be invited to a number of events:

In September we hold an introduction evening for all ‘new’ parents to give you the chance to meet your child’s progress tutor and find out more about life at college.

Parents’ consultation evenings are normally held in January/February and we encourage you to come along with your son/daughter to meet their subject teachers and discuss progress.

In June/July you will receive another invitation to come into college specifically to find out about the progression opportunities available to your son/daughter and the whole progress of applying to university.

You will also receive regular Parents’ newsletters to keep you informed of what’s happening at the college.

If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s time at Prior Pursglove contact us to make an appointment to see their progress tutor.

Further Information


    The college is using an online system called CEDAR which enables you to view student progress during their studies at the college. If we already have a valid email address for you then an account will be created during the first term of the academic year and you should receive a registration email regarding this. […]

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  • Information

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